Free Dolphin Entertainment, the parent company, was founded in 1995 by Fiorenza Cella, Bruno Maccarone and Alessandra Zampaglione. It is one of the main independent distribution company in France whose activities include the licensing of audiovisual rights, video publishing, vod and theatrical distribution…
Its rich catalogue offers over 500 titles, including features, television movies, series, and documentaries. Free Dolphin International has been established with the goal of creating a multi-national corporation to handle the acquisition and international distribution. We attend all the major markets with a booth (AFM, Cannes Film Festival, Mipcom, MIPTV, Berlin Film Festival, NATPE…) which allows us to maintain our close relationships with buyers.
SARL au Capital de 10 000 euros – RCS PARIS : B 801 332 784 – SIRET 801 332 784 00025